Historic Tax Relief: $1,300
Estimated average savings from historic property tax reforms passed in 2023

Secure Property Rights in HOAs: $1,000
Dispute resolution cost and time saved by clarifying property owners’ rights in state law

Simplified Process to Remove Discriminatory Covenants from Real Estate Deeds: $5,000
Eliminated costly court proceedings by allowing discriminatory covenants to be removed by property owner request

End Abusive Eminent Domain Practices & Forced Annexation: $10,000
Clarified property rights and consumer complaint process in eminent domain proceedings, and saved property owners from higher tax bills and expensive regulatory burdens

Improving Public Infrastructure: $423.30
per-Texan investment based on $12.5 billion allocated to broadband, electricity, and water in 2023

Total Savings: $17,723.30

YOUR Total: $100.00